Prospect Manager
Most people use WindowBASE via Prospect Manager, our own easy-to-use website. For existing customers log-in to Prospect Manager here: Prospect Manager
Most people use WindowBASE data via Prospect Manager, our own easy-to-use website.
Accessible via any Internet-enabled device, Prospect Manager enables you to select records by any criteria. Whether you want to contact all firms in your selection, or only target VEKA fabricators in Yorkshire with an email address, Prospect Manager’s in-built tools make it easy to find and filter firms using a whole range of popular search terms.
Although built to be as easy as possible to use, Prospect Manager also has advanced search options. When turned on, these enable users to create their own search criteria covering any combination of fields and any permutation of options.
The greatest benefit of Prospect Manager is that you will always have access to the latest and most up to date version of WindowBASE, as we are continuously refreshing data in the background.
Prospect Manager is…

Ideal for telephone canvassing
Your telesales people can select records to call and then work through them one at a time, adding notes and information to each record as they go. Anything you add is confidential to users within your company and cannot be seen by anyone else.
However, you are legally required to check that phone numbers are not registered with the Telephone Preference Service (TPS) before calling – but how can they tell if a number is ‘safe’ to call? Windowbase data is screened against the TPS register every 28 days and Prospect Manager tells you the numbers you can call – and the ones you can’t.
Another feature enables users to selectively copy and paste contact details into an email, if someone asks to be sent details of your products and services. And if you do, you can set a ‘call-back’ date to make sure the enquiry is followed up.

Great for email marketing
Choose the records you want to email and simply export the records in a format that is compatible with any other application. There is an option to make sure only records having an email address are selected. We also provide a way of ensuring your greeting is correctly formatted, so Mr N. Smith would be addressed as ‘Dear Mr Smith’ but Mr Neil Smith would be addressed ‘Dear Neil’
Prospect Manager can also manage your email unsubscribe requests and you can add an additional email address to a record if you want to contact someone other than the Managing Director or Proprietor.

Perfect for direct mail
Marketing by post may cost more but it’s proven to be the most cost-effective way of driving new business enquiries. Choose the firms you want to write to and when data is exported from Prospect Manager, Microsoft Word will automatically match our field names.
To find out more and see Prospect Manager in action contact one of our marketing partners: